27 Oct 2016

Peak View – 28 October 2016

Peak School’s latest newsletter is available to read now. Find out the latest news around the school and upcoming events.

[wc_fa icon=”angle-right” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]  Principal’s Message
[wc_fa icon=”angle-right” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]  PTA News
[wc_fa icon=”angle-right” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]  Message from the School Nurse
[wc_fa icon=”angle-right” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]  PYP News
[wc_fa icon=”angle-right” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]  Chinese News
[wc_fa icon=”angle-right” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]  Student Council: Box of Hope
[wc_fa icon=”angle-right” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]  Key Dates
[wc_fa icon=”angle-right” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]  After School Activities
[wc_fa icon=”angle-right” margin_left=”” margin_right=””][/wc_fa]  Disclaimer

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents

It was great to see so many parents attend the Maths workshops that were held during the week.  We had over 60 attend the Year 1/2 workshop, 30 attend the Year 5/6 workshop and over 70 attend the Year 3/4 workshop.  Thank you for your feedback, support and participation.

A special mention to our community members that celebrate Diwali.  We wish you all a very Happy Diwali and may all your hopes and dreams come true for the year ahead.

This week in my blog, which you can access HERE;

  • 3 Way Conferences – Information about how you can book these on Gateway as of next Monday at 9am
  • Maths Workshop Resources – a copy of each of the presentations used this week as well as the booklet that was handed out.
  • Math Rubrics – as discussed at the workshops the outcomes at each year level are available
  • Growth Mindset Workshop – a copy of the presentation used at the recent Growth Mindset parent workshop
  • Lantern Festival – Mr Hollingsworth has made available all the best photos from this great PTA evening
  • Into The Woods – You can watch last’s year performance via this video link

Have a great weekend everyone and thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards,
Bill Garnett

PTA News

Dear Parents

If you have yet to set aside time for our Movie Night, do please plan on having your children come.

The movie night will be showing Zootopia on Thursday, 17 November in the evening.  Children are looking forward to this, and the students themselves have been involved in selecting the film.

Jackie will update you on when tickets can be bought.

Best regards
Brian Schroeder
PTA Chair

Message from the School Nurse

Dear Year 4, 5 and 6 Parents.

To ensure the most appropriate care is delivered on Camp please ensure that Gateway is up to date regarding any medical concerns, allergies or asthma your child may have. It is essential that this is both accurate and the same as the information that was given to outside camp facilitators such Outward Bound etc.

We understand parents may be concerned that their child will develop coughs and colds during the week but we request that you keep medication to a minimum and only to what is really needed.  Medicine that is required we would appreciate if same could be handed in a few days before camp instead of on the day the children leave for camp so we can organize same accordingly.

Any medicine given to school must be clearly labelled with the child’s class name, class (English and Chinese if they have both) with prescription details included. The Medical Authorization Form must be completed in English and attached to the medicine that is handed in.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Michelle Buckley
School Nurse

PYP News

At Peak School, we all practice the Rules of Respect.  The rules include:

  • Respect yourself
  • Respect our environment
  • Respect other people and their property

Artwork by Berenice Coelho http://mrsberenicesartroom.blogspot.hk

Do take time to discuss these rules and how you can apply them at home.  If your child would like to take action, they can make an illustration, a poster, a poem or a book about any of the rules of respect.  Kindly ask them to give their work to me as soon as they are done.



Artwork by Berenice Coelho http://mrsberenicesartroom.blogspot.hk

Tolerance will be a focus in the units of inquiry that will be tackled later this year.  It is a difficult concept to grasp for children but we learn about it in day to day situations.  And, although we have not discussed it explicitly with the children this year, we have talked about it in different ways — in our classes and in the playground.  In Years 1 and 2, the children have discussed their similarities and differences.  The children met with their buddies and drew up lists of what makes them the same and what makes them different.  Throughout the school, we have discussed how to listen to and appreciate others.  When disagreements and misunderstandings arise, which can happen now and then, children learn to work through their differences with the help of adults in school.  This attitude is definitely one that we practice each and every day at Peak School and we hope to get better and better at it every year.

The children in Y4, Y5 and Y6 are about to embark on a very exciting adventure.  They will go to their respective camps over the next two weeks. It would be very timely to discuss the attitudes of RESPECT and TOLERANCE with your child / children before they head off to camp.  They will all certainly benefit from talking about specific ways they can show these attitudes throughout camp.  Ask them questions like:

  • How can you show respect towards your classmates and towards all the adults at camp?
  • How can you show respect towards the environment?
  • How can you show respect and tolerance during the activities, during mealtimes and at bedtime?
  • How would you feel if someone does not show respect or tolerance?  What would you do?

Y1 field trip to Matilda Hospital and the Police Museum





The Y1 children had a splendid time learning about community helpers at the Matilda Hospital and the Police Museum.  Many thanks to Ms. Debbie Tong of Matilda Hospital for introducing us to a nurse and a dietitian who taught us about personal hygiene and healthy eating as well as for allowing us to visit the nursery to see newly born babies!  Here are a few pictures from our trip.  We will soon be posting more pictures on Mrs. Ainsworth’s blog, ‘A Peek at our Learning‘.

Chiqui Colet
Vice Principal and PYP Coordinator

Chinese News

A call for parent volunteers: Non-Chinese speakers welcome!

A big thank you to the parents who came to our Chinese classes and supported the children for the weeks of October 18th to the 29th.  Both the teachers and the children found it beneficial in teaching and learning.

We would love to continue with having parent volunteers in our classes. Parent volunteers will be asked to supervise the children while they work on small group tasks.  You don’t need to be a Chinese speaker but you do need to be eager to support the children in managing their time and staying on task.  You can volunteer to work with any year group — not just your own child’s.  You may be supervising them as they read their Chinese stories online, as they practice their writing on the iPads, or when they play language games.  You might even learn some Chinese words and phrases along the way.

Kindly click HERE to complete the form for the weeks beginning 31 October and 7 November.

Chinese Home Learning

The recent Chinese home learning issued on 28 October 2016 can be found in your child’s year group Chinese home learning folder on Planet Peak.

Lion Dance Club

Unfortunately, we won’t be running this club since we did not receive any expressions of interest from the children.  We hope that children sign up for it next academic year!

The Chinese Team

School Council: Box of Hope

Once again the Peak School Student Council have chosen to support The Box of Hope charity

Box of Hope is an annual charity project aimed at providing useful/educational gifts to underprivileged children in Hong Kong & Asia donated by Hong Kong school children and local organisations.

This is a worthy cause which encourages children to provide practical donations such as toys, hygiene items and educational resources in a shoe box  and to decorate the box for Christmas.  We would like to invite  students and families to fill a box and bring it in to school by Monday November 7th when they are being collected.   Each class has been given labels to attach to the boxes to indicate whether the box is suited for a male or female and the intended age.  When the boxes have been labelled they can be left outside the office.

Further information and help can be found at http://boxofhope.org/home/main/en/ or by clicking HERE.

Thank you for your support,
Student Council

Tiphany Bloomfield
Year 5 Class Teacher
Student Action Co-ordinator

Key Dates


After School Activities




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